Heritage Research Centre
The Heritage Research Centre, a centre to research and celebrate the distinctive natural and cultural heritage of the Labrador Straits, was opened in the spring of 2006. The Heritage Research Centre at Point Amour is available to host research in a variety of fields, including geology, geography, biology, botany, human and cultural history. Creative art programs offered at the site promote the natural and cultural history of the region. The Centre provides a venue for public education programs associated with the activities taking place on site, scientific and artistic, providing a link between research work and interpretation for the benefit of visitors and residents alike.

Mushroom Foray
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The Centre is available for use by educational institutions and other interested organizations -- for field courses, research and workshops. Facilities at the Centre include on-site accommodations, laboratory workspace and a large multi-purpose room suitable for meetings and presentations.
The Heritage Hesearch Centre was the base for the first ever botanical and mushroom survey in the region in 2004. Some 2,200 plant specimens were collected and samples are located in herbariums in St. John's, Montreal and the Heritage Research Centre. A Mushroom Foray was also hosted at the Centre in September 2005 in partnership with the Humber Natural History Society.

The Ghost on the Shore
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During the summer of 2007, the Labrador Straits Historical Development Corporation (LSHDC) hosted craft activities in the multi-purpose centre. These activities included demonstrations, interpretation and interactive activities for visitors to celebrate 2007 as the year of craft.